The original poetry zine was a collaboration of us taking turns writing a line. It was a fun moment for us at a workshop. When QWERTY submissions came, we explored a few ideas and actually landed on something else, when Lila had her inspirational cat café trip and wanted to work with the poem we’d already made, and include new poems about other cats. Lila produced four new poems, based on photos she took at the cat café, which Perrin helped her edit. Lila then crafted a Tumblr page to tell the story of these quirky cats.
Revolutionary Moment
We are all about the little moments that lead to a revolution. Since we love bookstores we went to McNally Jackson and bonded over our love of wandering around and books. We do writing exercises that combine writing and art since we love creative stuff. Lila suggested an exercise where we found a book and pulled out visual aspects of the story that we drew. We read poems and wrote our own based on those. The creative exercises break us out of our boxes and help us remember that we are creative people, and love exploring our creativity.

I may look cute, With my black tail and paws tucked in. My white fur, that looks like snow. And my tiny nose I turn so they cannot fully see me. This place is my palace, My home, And I am the queen.

Cat Model Status

I want to be a cat ruler. I want to own all the toys. I want all the the other cats to bow down to me. I want all the cat food in the world. But for now I will lie on this cat box. And continue dreaming.

Oh wow, what a hand!